How to use any browser as a text editor

You may be confused and thinking that i may be going to present a online text editing application but No I am not going present a online text editor application but i am going to present just a small script by which you can use your browser as text editor and this trick can be really helpful to you , if you computer does not have text editor or you text editor has been attacked by virus. So without wasting much time lets check this marvelous trick.
Following steps can change text editor :

Step 1:

you can open the any browser i suggeshed google chrome.

Step 2:

Type copy paste the code.
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>

Keyboard short cuts:
Ctrl  + B  This will make your selected text bold.
Ctrl  + I    This will Italicize your selected text.
Ctrl  + U  This will underline your selected text.