how to sign in to same website using multiple accounts in Firefox

You know that Firefox is yet another brilliant web browser that is available for Windows, Mac, Android and other major platforms. This is brilliant because you will get tons of free add-ons, better privacy settings, master password and few other essential features which are just unavailable on other web browsers.

If you are mobile blogger, you can simply head on to this Mozilla Firefox
browser which works something like the desktop version and now a days it is coming with few other significant options as well. I have introduced so many tutorials like use Twitter from sidebar,
check memory size of used add-onsetc. However, Chrome is pretty fast than Firefox when it comes to web browsing in slow internet connection. Anyway, suppose you have more than one Facebookaccount. One for your business and the second one for your personal friends, family members

and relatives. If you are using Firefox and want to sign in to both of them at one time, you can either use the Normal window and Private window simultaneously or you can make use of Multifoxwhich would help you to sign in to same website using multiple accounts. This add-on is really great to sign in to particular blog or website using your multiple accounts because it stores history from both window. It also helps you t open single private window apart from normal browsing window. How to sing in to same website using multiple accounts? As mentioned before that this is pretty easy and not yet much time-consuming. At first, add Multifox in your Firefox browserand make sure that you have chosen Remember History under Privacy tab. 

Else, it won’t work. After that, sign in to any website with your first user account. Then press the corresponding button from the add-on bar and select Newor press Ctrl + Alt + M. It will automatically open a separate window. Just use this new window like normal browsing window. On the other end, if you have signed in to more than one account and want to do something in order to memorize them in better way, you can rename profile. For that, just navigate to the button >> Edit >> Rename. It will rename the current profile. There is no other settings or features and all the important and useful features have been mentioned here.